TEST Please note this course is for professionals who have already completed basic training in the ADOS-2 and are looking to learn how to administer and code the Toddler Module of the ADOS-2. The Toddler Module requires a high level of skill in administration because of the young focus age of 12 months to 30 months. The workshop will consist of a mix of lecture, videos and discussions (based on pre-submitted questions) in order to meet participants’ learning needs. Application Form Personal Details Title (required) First Name (required) Last Name (required) Date Of Birth (required) Contact Details Email Address (required) Mobile Phone (required) Alternative Email Address Sometimes we need to send files to you that may be larger than allowed by your company email service. If you have a Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail, etc email address, please specify it below. These services generally allow larger attachments to be delivered. Alternate Email Address (required) Profession Please select from the following options: I am a medical professional (e.g., GP, Paediatrician, Psychiatrist)I am an allied health professional (e.g., Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Social Worker etc)I am an academic/ researcherOther, please contact anne.chalfant@anniescentre.com to determine if the course is suitable for you. Current Position (required) Current Employer (required) Previous ADOS-2 training Where and/or when did you complete your initial ADOS-2 training? Please provide documentation as proof of your initial training e.g., a copy of the completion certificate from the trainer who trained you (you would have received this after completing your initial training) Please upload any documented evidence: Upload Attachments (Allowed Files: jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx) Pre-submitted questions for training In order to ensure you gain the most benefit from the session, please submit any questions you would like addressed during the session that relate specifically to ADOS-2 administration, ADOS-2 coding or connecting the ADOS-2 with the broader ASD assessment process. I confirm that I have reviewed the linked consent form and agree to the terms and conditions specified within it.