Workshops and Training

We offer a comprehensive range of training services to families, schools, and other health and education professionals in Sydney, rural Australia, interstate and overseas.

Please contact us at for further details about our education and training services.

Upcoming Courses

October 2024
November 2024
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ASD Assessment and Diagnosis E-course

Register your interest

The modules in this e-course each contain a mixture of video content, case studies, reflective activities, and self-assessment through quizzes. Participants will receive a workbook, templates (e.g., for interviews, school observations, reports), and guides (e.g., for support planning and assessment data analysis) that they can implement immediately in their clinical setting to achieve excellence in client care and evidence-based practice.

This e-course covers all parts of a detailed and comprehensive ASD assessment:

Foundational Module:
ASD diagnostic criteria – Recalibrating Our Understanding
A foundational framework translating the broad diagnostic criteria into clearly defined behaviours with video examples and explanations.
Module 1: The Set Up Managing your referral pathways

Initial consultation paperwork and pre-session information gathering

A thorough initial consultation guide

Setting up a clear and comprehensive assessment plan with the client

Module 2: The Tools Reviewing the evidence for ASD assessment tools.

Selecting relevant ASD screener and diagnostic tools.

Enhancing observation based assessments.

Module 3: Preschools and Schools Conducting preschool and school observations.

Teacher interviews.

Suitable teacher-report measures.

Module 4: Functional Assessment Assessing the strengths and daily functioning of your client.

Planning supports.

Module 5: Differential Diagnosis Part 1 ADHD, Learning difficulties, Intellectual Delay and Behaviour Difficulties vs ASD.
Module 6: Differential Diagnosis Part 2 Mental health difficulties e.g., anxiety and mood, Attachment, Trauma vs ASD.
Module 7: Figuring It Out Putting all the pieces of your assessment “puzzle” together.

Interpreting DSM-5 compared with your assessment data.

Determining levels.

Module 8: Write On! Key elements of a good report.

Writing that is fit for purpose.

Writing clear conclusions.

Writing detailed and meaningful recommendations.

Module 9: Delivering Feedback Telling the “story” of your assessment process in a way that maintains rapport with families.

Dealing with tricky questions when delivering a diagnosis to parents/ caregivers.

Following up after the assessment.

Module 10: Trouble Shooting Common challenges when conducting an ASD assessment and how best to overcome them.

The first four (4) modules will be released in December 2023 together with the foundational framework module called “ASD Diagnostic Criteria-Recalibrating Our Understanding”.

Please register your interest in our ASD Assessment and Diagnosis E-course by filling in the form below.

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    Accredited Training Courses

    Dr Anne Chalfant, PsyD. offers the following training courses both within Australia and overseas.

    Courses are held either in-person or online. For in-person training, the specific venue for each will be determined closer to the date of each course. Please feel free to contact us regarding any of the courses listed below.


    NEW! ADOS-2 Booster Training / Extended Supervision Session (2.5 Hour Session)

    This training is for individuals who have previously attended an ADOS-2 Clinical and/or Research Training course and would like to refresh/ recalibrate their skills plus gain some clinical supervision. The session will consist of a mix of lecture, videos and discussions (based on pre-submitted questions) in order to meet participants’ learning needs.

    In this 2.5 hours, online session participants will:
    • Review common challenges in administration and coding and how to overcome them.
    • Fine tune coding skills by participating in video based coding exercises.
    • Hone clinical observation skills using video clips comparing typically developing individuals and those with ASD.
    • Critically think about how the ADOS-2 assessment forms part of the broader ASD assessment process.
    • Discuss common questions that arise regarding the use of the ADOS-2 and sex differences, “camouflaging/masking” and whether or not the ADOS-2 is an affirming or strengths based tool.
    Please note: Participants need to submit questions prior to the training to ensure discussions cover the extra support they need in using the ADOS-2.
    Due to demand for a flexible learning environment, this course will be delivered online as a 2.5 hour session (via zoom). Please contact separately to register interest for in-person/face-to-face training.


    Details for the next ADOS-2 Booster Training Course are:


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    ADOS-2 Training (2 1/2) days introductory clinical training

    Training for Health Professionals in the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2)

    The ADOS-2 is a semi-structured, standardized assessment of communication, social interaction, imagination and play skills for individuals who are suspected of having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
    Training courses have been developed in order to teach health professionals and researchers how to use the ADOS-2 effectively and appropriately as a clinical and/or research assessment tool.

    Training participants will:
    • learn about the rationale for the ADOS-2 tasks
    • learn how to administer the ADOS-2
    • learn how to code their assessment observations
    • watch the trainer administer the ADOS-2 with individuals who already have a formal diagnosis of ASD and code the assessments
    • learn how to summarise assessment results in order to give helpful feedback to families

    Due to demand for a flexible learning environment, the ADOS-2 course is currently delivered online as an interactive workshop. Please contact separately to register interest for in-person/face-to-face training.

    Although the ADOS-2 can be used independently, using it in conjunction with the ADI-R helps ensure a more sensitive and specific assessment as the tools complement each other.  Information about ADI-R training can be accessed here.

    Suitability and Qualifications for Administering the ADOS-2

    The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2), is a highly regarded and well validated assessment tool used for several key purposes:
    • Identifying features of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) within a comprehensive diagnostic assessment.
    • Assessing strengths and challenges in social communication, interaction, and behavior.
    • Informing tailored support strategies.

    The ADOS-2 should be used as a part of a broader diagnostic process, not the sole basis for an ASD diagnosis. A comprehensive assessment should include caregiver interviews (potentially using standardised interview tools like the ADI-R), direct observation of and interaction with the client, along with medical review, cognitive and/or developmental assessment, naturalistic observation (e.g., at preschool or school), functional assessment and differential diagnosis.

    Professionals using the ADOS-2 must meet specific qualifications.  Additionally, professionals using the ADOS-2 must adhere to ethical standards and professional registration body guidelines which note that professionals act responsibly when using tools like the ADOS-2. Responsible use includes possessing relevant expertise in ASD, child development, and diagnostic tools, as well as skills in functional assessment, differential diagnosis, report writing, and feedback delivery. Although it is not a prerequisite for our ADOS-2 training courses, it is highly recommended that professionals consider completing modules from our ASD Assessment and Diagnosis e-Course to complement their use of the ADOS-2.  The e-course covers all parts of a detailed and comprehensive ASD assessment approach including setting up a clear and comprehensive assessment plan with the client, relevant tools (beyond the ADOS-2 and ADI-R), functional assessment, differential diagnosis, analysis of assessment results, report writing and delivering feedback.

    Details for the next ADOS-2 course are:

    October 2024
    November 2024
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    ADOS-2 Toddler Module and Update Workshop

    This course is for professionals who have already completed basic training in the ADOS-2 and are looking to learn how to administer and code the Toddler Module of the ADOS-2. The Toddler Module requires a high level of skill in administration because of the young focus age of 12 months to 30 months. We have developed a 1 day workshop to help clinicians:

    • learn about the rationale for the Toddler Module activities
    • learn how to code their observations with very young children
    • watch the trainer administer the Toddler Module with a toddler who has a formal diagnosis of ASD
    • conduct and code their own “live” ADOS-2 administration with a toddler
    • workshop any challenges that they have been experiencing in their administration and coding in their workplace and recalibrate with the trainer

    No dates have been set yet for the next ADOS-2 Toddler Module course:

    Please contact us at us for further details about or to register for our ADOS-2 training courses.

    ADI-R Clinical and Research Training (2 1/2 days)

    The ADI-R is a semi-structured diagnostic interview to help identify behaviours related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The ADI-R can take between 90 minutes and 3 hours to complete.  It is administered by an experienced clinician to the caregiver(s) of an individual suspected of ASD.

    Training courses have been developed in order to teach health professionals and researchers how to use the ADI-R effectively and appropriately as a clinical and/or research assessment tool.

    Training participants will:
    • learn about the rationale for the ADI-R items
    • learn how to administer the ADI-R
    • learn how to code the caregiver’s responses during the interview
    • watch the trainer administer the ADI-R to caregivers of individuals who already have a formal diagnosis of ASD and code the assessments.
    • learn how to summarise assessment results in order to give helpful feedback to families.
    Due to demand for a flexible learning environment, the ADI-R course is currently delivered online as an interactive workshop. Please contact separately to register interest for in-person/face-to-face training.

    Although the ADI-R can be used independently, using it in conjunction with the ADOS-2 helps ensure a more sensitive and specific ASD assessment approach as the tools complement each other. Information about ADOS-2 training can be accessed here.

    Suitability and Qualifications for Administering the ADI-R

    The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), is a highly regarded and well validated assessment tool used for several key purposes:

    • Identifying features of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) within a comprehensive diagnostic assessment.
    • Assessing strengths and challenges in social communication, interaction, and behavior.
    • Informing tailored support strategies.

    The ADI-R should be used as a part of a broader diagnostic process, not the sole basis for an ASD diagnosis. A comprehensive assessment should include caregiver interviews, direct observation of and interaction with the client (potentially using a standardised observation tool like the ADOS-2), along with medical review, cognitive and/or developmental assessment, naturalistic observation (e.g., at preschool or school), functional assessment and differential diagnosis.

    Professionals using the ADI-R must meet specific qualifications.  Additionally, professionals using the ADI-R must adhere to ethical standards and professional registration body guidelines which note that professionals act responsibly when using tools like the ADI-R. Responsible use includes possessing relevant expertise in ASD, child development, and diagnostic tools, as well as skills in functional assessment, differential diagnosis, report writing, and feedback delivery. Although it is not a prerequisite for our ADI-R training courses, it is highly recommended that professionals consider completing modules from our ASD Assessment and Diagnosis e-Course to complement their use of the ADI-R.  The e-course covers all parts of a detailed and comprehensive ASD assessment approach including setting up a clear and comprehensive assessment plan with the client, relevant tools (beyond the ADOS-2 and ADI-R), functional assessment, differential diagnosis, analysis of assessment results, report writing and delivering feedback.

    Details for the next ADI-R course are:
    November 2024
    No event found!




    We provide customised in-services and workshops to day care centres, pre-schools, primary schools, high schools and universities across Sydney.
    Our team of health professionals can prepare in-services on a wide range of topics relating to child mental health, development, behaviour and education. Topics that tend to be of interest for teachers include:

    • Assessment of School Readiness
    • Dealing with Challenging Behaviour in Children
    • Identifying Children Who Need Extra Support
    • Autism Spectrum Disorder: School Support Strategies
    • Supporting Literacy and Language Skills in Children
    • Managing Anxiety and Building Confidence in Children and Adolescents

    Please feel free to contact us at if you would like to discuss and/or schedule a time for the involvement of any of our experienced allied health professionals in an in-service for your staff.


    We offer the following workshops both within Australia and overseas. Please feel free to contact us at regarding any of the workshops listed below:

    Autism Spectrum Disorder: Assessment, Diagnosis and Intervention

    This two day workshop presents a thorough overview of evidence based assessment and intervention methods for children who have or are suspected of having an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
    The content is appropriate for health and educational professionals including GPs, Psychiatrists, Paediatricians, Psychologists, School Counsellors, Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists. It includes hand outs, video footage, live demonstrations and case examples. The techniques discussed are applicable for use with individuals of all ages.
    The workshop is presented by Dr Anne Chalfant Psy.D, Director of Annie’s Centre.

    Day 1 topics include:

    • Current literature about the main features and possible causes of ASD
    • Understanding the DSM 5 Diagnostic Criteria for ASD
    • Early indicators of ASD in infants
    • Evidence based screening tools for infants, school aged children and adults (including demonstrations of their use)
    • The “gold standard” diagnostic assessment tools (including demonstrations of their use)
    • Differential diagnosis (via case examples)
    • Report writing and providing feedback on assessment outcomes for families

    Day 2 topics include:

    • The “culture” (i.e., thinking and learning styles) of individuals with ASD
    • An overview of the “gold standard” intervention methods for individuals with ASD (including Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), TEACCH methods, Early Start Denver Model (ESDM))
    • Functional behaviour analysis for individuals with an ASD
    • Teaching self-regulation skills to individuals with an ASD
    • Teaching social skills to individuals with an ASD
    • Managing anxiety difficulties in individuals with an ASD.

    To express your interest in this workshop please feel free to contact us at

    Cool Kids ASD: Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”

    We offer two separate workshops on this topic for parents and professionals, which are conducted over 1 day.
    The workshops are presented by Dr Anne Chalfant Psy.D, Director of Annie’s Centre and co-author of the Cool Kids ASD program.
    Participants will:

    • Learn about the main features of anxiety disorders in children
    • Learn about current research regarding the incidence of anxiety in children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
    • Learn about the main screening and diagnostic tools used to assess anxiety difficulties
    • Review research regarding the most effective treatments for anxiety
    • Review the main components of “cognitive behaviour therapy” for anxiety difficulties
    • Workshop anxiety management strategies including relaxation techniques, cognitive therapy techniques and exposure exercises to help children learn how to “face their fears”
    • Workshop strategies to maintain long-term coping skills for future anxiety provoking situations

    To express your interest in this workshop please feel free to contact us at

    Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety in People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    This very popular workshop is relevant for parents, teachers, teacher’s aides and allied health professionals. It is conducted over 1 day. The workshop is presented by Dr Anne Chalfant Psy.D, Director of Annie’s Centre and author of the internationally acclaimed book, “Managing Anxiety in People with Autism: A Treatment Guide for Parents, Teachers and Mental Health Professionals“.
    Participants will:

    • Learn about the nature of anxiety in children and adolescents
    • Learn about current research regarding the prevalence of anxiety in people with an Autism
    • Spectrum Disorder and why prevalence rates are so high
    • Learn about the main screening and diagnostic tools used to assess anxiety difficulties
    • Learn about the role of avoidance in maintaining anxiety difficulties
    • Learn about the nature and impact of parent anxiety
    • Learn strategies to combat parent anxiety
    • Learn “indirect” strategies for use at home and in the classroom environment to manage anxiety in people with ASD
    • Learn “direct” strategies for therapy with an anxious person with ASD
    • Learn about how to adapt anxiety interventions to account for the learning style of someone with ASD.
    • Have opportunities for individual case discussion

    To express your interest in this workshop please feel free to contact us at

    Managing Challenging Behaviour

    This parent-only workshop is conducted over 1 day.
    Participants will:

    • Learn about the factors that predispose a child to developing challenging behaviours as well as the factors that maintain the behaviours
    • Learn strategies for enhancing a positive relationship with their child
    • Learn strategies to praise and reward children for appropriate/positive behaviour
    • Learn strategies for how to react when challenging behaviours occur
    • Develop “behaviour management plans” to help eliminate and prevent challenging behaviours
    • Learn how to use effective parenting strategies more consistently

    To express your interest in this workshop please feel free to contact us at

    Learning Support for Children with Autism Spectrum Disoder in the Classroom and at Home

    This workshop is conducted separately for parents and teachers over 2 days.
    It was developed using evidence based support principles from the TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and other related Communication-handicapped CHildren) philosophy to learning support from the University of North Carolina, USA.
    The workshop is presented by Dr Anne Chalfant Psy.D, Director of Annie’s Centre.
    Participants will:

    • Learn about thinking and learning styles in Autism (the “culture” of Autism)
    • Learn about structured teaching approaches including the use of visual supports and work systems
    • Learn how to assess, develop and teach independent work tasks
    • Learn about and have hands-on experience developing systems to support communication skills
    • Learn about and have hands-on experience developing domestic and daily living skills tasks
    • Learn about and have hands-on experience developing social and leisure activities
    • Develop plans for setting up classroom and home learning environments

    To express your interest in this workshop please feel free to contact us at

    Seminars for Parents in Child Health, Development and Education

    Our seminars are conducted by our expert staff and cover a range of topics including:

    • Speech and Language Development
    • Communication Styles and Parenting Roles
    • Getting Ready for School
    • Red Flags and First Concerns
    • Importance of Early Literacy

    Please contact us at to arrange training services in your area or to attend one of our centre based training courses.

    Workshops for Children and Adolescents

    Sometimes children and adolescents benefit from some “extra tips” in how to navigate making friends, dealing with bullying and managing learning tasks, especially as they move from mid-primary school into upper primary and high school. Our experienced professionals offer brief workshops for children and adolescents to address:

    • Social skills
    • Conversation skills
    • Study skills
    • Reducing anxiety and building confidence
    • Dealing with bullying

    We also offer several group programs to help address challenges with making friends, managing strong emotions and reducing anxiety and building confidence self esteem.
    Please feel free to contact us at regarding any of the workshops or group programs.